Does the international monetary system require major reform? Discuss by drawing on the experience of the post-war Bretton Woods international monetary system and the system that has existed since the 1970s.
“All is well that ends,” said William Simon jokingly at the cocktail party that followed the conclusion of the Jamaica Accords in 1976, probably expressing the despondency of the members at failing to evolve a full-fledged, comprehensive reform of the International Monetary System guaranteeing the stability of the Classical Gold Standard and/or the Bretton Woods System and liquidising the problems of the same which had arisen with respect to changed scenarios. What followed was a system of Flexible Exchange Rates whereby the governments were permitted to intervene to smoothen the fluctuations, but not to influence the underlying value of exchange rates. Clement Rohee, the then Foreign Minister of
“For thousands of years countries have anchored their currencies to one of the precious metals or to another currency. But in the quarter century since the international monetary system broke down, countries have been on their own, a phenomenon that has no historical precedent in the cooperative game known as the international monetary system.”[1]
The International Gold Standard, the first stable international monetary system that existed prior to the outbreak of the First World War, was characterised by the value of each currency being fixed in terms of weight of gold (‘gold parity’). It relied on the international economic, financial and military pre-eminence, i.e. ‘hegemony’ of
“…the absence of a high degree of economic collaboration among the leading nations will... inevitably result in economic warfare that will be but the prelude and instigator of military warfare on an even vaster scale.”[2]
Hence, the decision makers were wise enough to sit together after the Second World War to establish a new monetary order in 1943. At Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, evolved a new international system which constituted the embodiment of the economic principles enunciated by President Roosevelt, represented by Harry Dexter White, and Prime Minister Churchill, represented by John Meynard Keynes, while 42 other countries played mute partakers. However, all the participating governments at Bretton Woods agreed that the monetary chaos of the interwar period had yielded several valuable lessons. A high level of agreement among the dignitaries on the goals and means of international economic management facilitated the decisions reached by the Bretton Woods Conference. The foundation of that agreement, which came to be known as the “Bretton Woods Agreement”, was a shared belief in capitalism.
The political base for the Bretton Woods system is enrooted in the confluence of several key conditions: the shared experiences of the Great Depression, the concentration of power in a small number of states, and the presence of a dominant power willing and able to assume a leadership role. It ventured to secure the advantages of the gold standard without its disadvantages. Thus, a compromise was sought between the polar alternatives of either freely floating or irrevocably fixed rates – an arrangement to gain the expediencies of both without suffering the drawbacks of either, while retaining the right to revise currency values on occasion as circumstances warranted. Since at the time United States accounted for over half of the world's manufacturing capacity and held most of the world’s gold, the leaders decided to tie world currencies to the dollar (‘par value’), which, in turn, they agreed should be convertible into gold at $35 per ounce (‘gold exchange standard’). Hence, being a system based on stable and adjustable exchange rates, it was an obligation for each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value – plus or minus one percent – in terms of gold. Therefore, when a nation was faced with a chronic Balance of Payments deficit, deflationary policies were no longer a must. So, the adjustable peg was viewed as a vast improvement over the gold standard with fixed parity. Currencies were convertible into gold, but unlike the gold standard, countries had the ability to change par values. For this reason, Keynes described the Bretton Woods system as “the exact opposite of the gold standard.”
The delegates at Bretton Woods sought to establish a post-war international monetary system of convertible currencies, fixed exchange rates and free trade. To facilitate these objectives, the agreement created two international institutions: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). The Bretton Woods Agreement was also aimed at preventing currency competition and promoting monetary co-operation among nations. Hence, the primary task for the IMF was to oversee fixed exchange-rate system. Exchange rate changes were allowed under the system, i.e. ‘adjustable peg’, but only with the approval of the IMF. Also, the system facilitated unrestricted current account transactions but inoculated controls on international capital flows. Therefore, the IMF was also charged with the responsibility to provide finance to bridge temporary payments imbalances by providing short-term loans to members with Balance of Payments deficit.
Since the U.S. dollar functioned as the international money, it served as the principal “reserve currency”. Meanwhile, in order to bolster faith in the dollar, the
The problem with using U.S. dollars as the ‘lead currency’ was that its supply was determined as a by-product of the
The shock of August 15 was followed by efforts under
The Flexible Exchange Rate system existing since 1973 is difficult to describe. As per Robert A. Mundell, “An international monetary system in the strict sense of the world does not presently exist. Every country has it own system… The present international monetary system neither manages the interdependence of currencies nor stabilizes prices.”[3] The exchange rates are determined by the supply and demand in foreign exchange markets. Since, most of the countries found themselves forsaken with huge dollar reserves, the U.S. dollar continued to function as a principal form of international money. When governments met at the ‘Jamaica Accords’ and agreed on intervention only to smoothen fluctuations in the foreign exchange markets without influencing the underlying value of exchange rates, the theoretical debate between Neo-classical Economists and Keynesian Economists, respectively in favour of and against flexible exchange rates, surfaced.
“Under flexible exchange rates the effects of terms-of-trade shocks on growth are approximately one half that under pegged regimes.”[4]
The Neo-classical economists believe that ‘market knows best’. For them exchange rates are just another price; hence, flexible exchange rates are nothing but an automatic mechanism for equilibrating the balance of payments. Their analysis was basically based on trade/current account, i.e. if a country has a trade deficit; it essentially means that it is buying more than what the rest of the world is buying from it, therefore, its exchange rate falls resulting in exports becoming cheaper and consequent elimination of trade deficit. However, the neo-classical economists ignored the growth of international capital flows which emerged in 1970s in the form of international banking and later in 1980s in the form of international portfolio investment. This led Keynesian Economists to argue that since the foreign exchange transactions are dominated by capital flows, the markets behave akin to asset markets. Hence, the exchange rate instability leads to great uncertainty further leading to a slower growth of international trade. In fact, the international trade has indeed grown more slowly since 1973 than before it.
However, the current system is neither a rigid fixed exchange rate system nor a floating exchange rate system. So, as Robert Blecker points out,
“What has emerged in the quarter century since that time is not a pure system of floating rates, but a hybrid system: several major currencies (such as the dollar, the yen, the euro) are floating, while many individual countries have adopted various forms of managed exchange rates, ranging from rigidly fixed rates to crawling (frequently adjusted) pegs to dirty floats (floats with occasional intervention) to joint floats (such as the European ERM prior to January 1, 1999).”[5]
So, while the
The Flexible Exchange Rate System and the concomitant uncertainty and volatility have given voice to the demand for reforms. To put it in the words of Peter Kenen and Alexander K. Swoboda,
“Interest in reforming the international monetary and financial system, like recent capital flows to emerging markets, tends to come in waves. It surges with crises and ebbs when calm returns, even temporarily. Interest in reform has thus surged in recent years, stimulated by the succession of crises that began with the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM) crisis of 1992-93 and continued with the “tequila” crisis of 1994-95 and, in the span of less than two years, the Asian, Russian, Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), and Brazilian crises.”[6]
The fundamental issues are not new, although the specific proposals that are being considered to strengthen the architecture of the international financial system reflect concerns arising from the particular characteristics of the recent crises. So, on one hand, there have been calls for major new international institutions and/or reform in the role of the existing international institutions, especially the IMF, in order to stabilize global financial markets, and on the other hand, vociferations for limitations on international flows of short term capital by a number of measures like ‘Tobin Tax’ on foreign exchange transactions have also arisen. The latter is also in demand to prevent destabilizing inflows and outflows of speculative hot money.
The proposals for reforms mainly focus on the issues of making capital markets work better, and these hypotheses enlist the following as possible interlinked and supportive solution areas, (1) regulating capital flows, (2) reforming international financial institutions; (3) managing exchange rates; and (4) coordinating macroeconomics policies. Among these regulating capital flows and reforming international financial institutions, namely, IMF have gained more support over the years. The Tobin Tax, i.e. a small percentage (about 1% to 0.5%) levy on all foreign exchange transactions, is expected to solve the problems of ‘hot’ money by discouraging the short-term capital movements that have exacerbated exchange rate stability. As regards the IMF, some people believe that it has become redundant since its original function of managing exchange rate stability has come to an end with the collapse of the Bretton Woods system. Also, with the opening up of international capital markets, developed countries have private capital markets to look up to for funds. Following the
With the benefit of hindsight, it seems logical that the original ‘gold standard’ was replaced by the ‘gold exchange standard’ after the Second World War, and that this system, in its turn, was abandoned in 1971 when the United States, because of its growing indebtedness to the rest of the world, could no longer guarantee the dollar’s value in gold. The demise came shortly after Robert Triffin’s early warnings about the instability of a global monetary system based on the U.S. dollar (or any other national currency). The past three decades, owing to the growing U.S. Balance of Payments deficit, supply testimony to the inherent problems of a fixed exchange rate system. However, even the current system is flawed with some weaknesses, like serious volatility of exchange rates, dramatic swings in capital markets, harmful uncertainty and misleading signals to private investors and policymakers, as well as a lack of global macroeconomic policy coordination. The quest for reforms is still on. There have been a number of suggestions by learned economists like Stephany Griffith-Jones, Jeffrey Sachs, Henry Kaufman, Catherine Mann, Barry Eichengreen, Giovanni Olivei, Jacquez MĂ©litz, and others. But, the consensus for a ‘new financial architecture’, which could free the world of the volatile financial flows that have plagued the global economy in recent years, though urgently required, still seem out of bounds.
Trevor Evans, Professor International Economics, MIDE Program (SS05) at FHTW,
Ronald McKinnon, ‘The Rules of the Game: International Money in Historical Perspective’, Journal of Economic Literature, vol. XXXI, pp. 1-44
Mica Panic, ‘The Bretton Woods System: Concept and Practice’ in Jonathan Mitchie and John Grieve Smith, Managing the Global Economy, 1995, pp.37-54
Robert E. Blecker, Taming Global Finance, 1999, chapter 3
Other Articles and papers
Peter B. Kenen and Alexander K. Swoboda: “Reforming the International Monetary and Financial System”, Proceedings of a conference held in
Tom de Vries, “
Jan Joost Teunissen (ed.), “Fragile Finance: Rethinking the International Monetary System”, Introduction, 1992
Robert A. Mundell, “Updating the Agenda for Monetary Reform”, Extended version of a luncheon speech presented at the Conference on Optimum Currency Areas,
Christopher L. Bach, “Problems of the International Monetary System and Proposals for Reform – 1944-70”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, May 1972, pp. 24-32
Jane Sneddon Little and Giovanni P. Olivei, “Rethinking the International Monetary System: An Overview”,
“Flexible Exchange Rates Reduce Economic Volatility”, NBER Website, Thursday, July 28, 2005
C. Fred Bergsten, “Reform of the International Monetary Fund”, Testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on International Trade and Finance Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, June 7, 2005
Jane D’Arista, “Wanted: Real Reform of the International Monetary System”, FOMC Alert, November-December 1997
“G-77 Chairman Calls for Reform of International Monetary System”, Journal of the Group-77, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 12, 1999
Michael P. Dooley, David Folkerts-Landau, Peter Garber, “An Essay on the Revived Bretton Woods System”, Working Paper 9971, National Bureau of Economic Research (
[1] Quoted in Robert A. Mundell’s official website:
[2] Quoted in Robert A. Pollard, Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945-1950 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985), p.8
[3] Quoted in Robert A. Mundell’s official website:
[4] “Flexible Exchange Rates Reduce Economic Volatility”, NBER Website, Thursday, July 28, 2005
[5] Robert E. Blecker, Taming Global Finance, 1999, chapter 3, p. 125
[6] Peter B. Kenen and Alexander K. Swoboda: “Reforming the International Monetary and Financial System”, Proceedings of a conference held in
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